1.   The bonus points accumulate, and eventually the junk e-mail recipient can redeem them for gifts.

2.   Points accumulated over all four rounds.

3.   Points accumulated in the three road races and two individual time trials will determine two of the five spots on the team.

4.   Points accumulate over all four rounds.

5.   American athletes will still be able to compete at conference championships as individuals in some sports, such as track and field, but team points will not accumulate.

n. + accumulate >>共 304
evidence 4.75%
snow 4.22%
investor 2.11%
fluid 1.93%
water 1.93%
company 1.41%
people 1.41%
inch 1.41%
money 1.41%
ice 1.23%
point 0.88%
point + v. >>共 347
be 64.92%
come 4.70%
seem 1.29%
guard 1.24%
have 1.14%
separate 1.09%
remain 0.86%
go 0.78%
need 0.76%
include 0.76%
accumulate 0.13%
每页显示:    共 5