1.   Fritz, who prefers to fish rough pocket water, spotted the broad shoulders of a rising trout.

2.   Fritz waded into the pocket water with the ease of a bison walking through tall grass.

3.   I tried the process without success a few times until I ran into another fisherman on the pocket water of the Ausable River in the Adirondacks.

4.   On the second day, I dredged deep pools with nymphs and streamers, while hitting in-between pocket water and riffles.

5.   These two streams offer every look, from fast-moving water to deep holes and pocket water.

6.   Throw a streamer fly or leech pattern in pocket water and two or three will bolt out to ambush it.

n. + water >>共 460
flood 19.56%
sea 8.17%
river 5.38%
ocean 4.58%
rain 3.99%
spring 3.59%
lake 2.09%
irrigation 1.50%
shore 1.47%
pasta 1.28%
pocket 0.22%
pocket + n. >>共 160
knife 16.48%
change 10.73%
watch 6.32%
protector 5.56%
passer 3.83%
handkerchief 3.45%
organizer 2.68%
door 2.30%
camera 2.11%
maxi 1.92%
water 1.15%
每页显示:    共 6