1.   PC Hay went to investigate but raced back to the patrol car after receiving a call for help from Sgt Forth over his pocket radio.

2.   The group earlier disclosed that in June, a surprise inspection by wardens uncovered a wrist watch, a pocket radio and a pen in the prison.

3.   The implant is connected to a portable, pocket radio of sorts equipped with a microphone to pick up noise from the outside world.

4.   They are operating at least two satellite phones here and have their own network of radio communication in a region where a pocket radio is regarded a great luxury.

n. + radio >>共 213
army 27.55%
talk 17.94%
government 7.21%
car 6.62%
ham 3.92%
rebel 3.63%
police 2.70%
satellite 2.60%
sport 2.21%
short-wave 1.91%
pocket 0.20%
pocket + n. >>共 160
knife 16.48%
change 10.73%
watch 6.32%
protector 5.56%
passer 3.83%
handkerchief 3.45%
organizer 2.68%
door 2.30%
camera 2.11%
maxi 1.92%
radio 0.77%
每页显示:    共 4