1.   There was no need for anyone to consult his pocket field guide.

2.   A pocket guide that provides succinct explanations for rules of grammar and punctuation.

3.   American Express and OAG Worldwide publish monthly pocket guides, which list the flights of most airlines and are purchased mostly by business travelers.

4.   An Audubon pocket guide of trees.

5.   The maps, reproduced from the pocket guide, are detailed.

n. + guide >>共 320
tour 30.77%
medium 5.34%
travel 4.16%
field 3.06%
tourist 2.93%
voter 2.60%
mountain 2.54%
city 2.21%
program 1.82%
study 1.76%
pocket 0.33%
pocket + n. >>共 160
knife 16.48%
change 10.73%
watch 6.32%
protector 5.56%
passer 3.83%
handkerchief 3.45%
organizer 2.68%
door 2.30%
camera 2.11%
maxi 1.92%
guide 0.96%
每页显示:    共 5