1.   Among recommended starters are two small crab cakes, browned and brittle on the outside, and stoked with poblano chiles, corn and sweet peppers.

2.   Saute diced poblano chiles until crisp-tender and stir into stew.

3.   She sauteed a mixture of mushrooms and roasted, peeled poblano chiles.

4.   The rib-eye steak rubbed with garlic, stuffed poblano chiles, dark-hued french fries and tuna are all exemplary.

n. + chile >>共 15
chipotle 31.67%
ancho 18.33%
ground 10.00%
jalapeno 6.67%
poblano 6.67%
serrano 6.67%
habanero 5.00%
bird 3.33%
arbol 1.67%
firehouse 1.67%
poblano + n. >>共 7
chile 28.57%
chili 28.57%
strip 14.29%
cream 7.14%
pepper 7.14%
puree 7.14%
sauce 7.14%
每页显示:    共 4