1.   Opponents of resumed trade say neither African producers nor consumer nations like Japan can guarantee poached ivory does not infiltrate legal trade.

2.   The anti-trade lobby argues neither the three African countries nor consumer nations such as Japan can guarantee that illegally poached ivory will not reach the market.

3.   The anti-trade lobby argues neither the three African countries nor consumer nations can guarantee that illegally poached ivory will not reach the market.

4.   The increased flow of legal ivory will make it easier to mingle in poached ivory, they say.

5.   The smuggling infrastructure was already waiting, developed over the past two decades to smuggle weapons and poached ivory.

6.   They argue there are insufficient guarantees that poached ivory would not infiltrate legal trade.

a. + ivory >>共 29
african 17.91%
illegal 14.93%
poached 8.96%
smuggled 5.97%
stockpiled 5.97%
mammoth 4.48%
new 4.48%
carved 2.99%
legal 2.99%
selling 2.99%
poached + n. >>共 46
egg 27.66%
salmon 11.35%
chicken 9.22%
pear 7.80%
fish 6.38%
ivory 4.26%
fig 1.42%
fruit 1.42%
oyster 1.42%
bird 1.42%
每页显示:    共 6