1.   Now we know how stuff is leaking, we can plug the leak -- get another delivery service.

2.   Divers subsequently succeeded in plugging the leak from the tanker, stopping the flow of oil and preventing a more serious accident.

3.   Aides to Vice President Al Gore, the Democratic front-runner, insist that steps have been taken to plug leaks.

4.   For its part, the IMF is more interested in plugging leaks in the Asian dam than pondering ways to stop the rain.

5.   Hydraulic cement is a putty-like material that can be used to plug a leak.

6.   In any case Clintonites, either plug the leaks or stop moaning about the consequences.

7.   In one case, Arizona OSHA inspectors found that TRW workers temporarily plugged a leak using tape and a clamp.

8.   Once financial leaks are plugged, computer lines installed and costs contained, what then?

9.   Selling China and other states on the test ban, said Gaffney of the Center for Security Policy, had a higher administration priority than plugging leaks.

10.   That overlap among Russian agents inside the U.S. government may have led American investigators in some instances to assume that the arrest of one spy had plugged a leak.

v. + leak >>共 158
cause 8.40%
spring 8.06%
stop 6.81%
plug 5.56%
prevent 5.33%
report 4.43%
fix 4.43%
have 4.20%
detect 3.41%
repair 3.06%
plug + n. >>共 209
hole 18.07%
gap 9.19%
leak 7.63%
loophole 4.21%
ear 2.02%
book 1.87%
well 1.71%
device 1.71%
line 1.40%
computer 1.40%
每页显示:    共 49