1.   It strains credulity here and there, and the plot mechanics of getting Horty to the Titanic seem particularly labored.

2.   Like the miracle cure itself, the movie is a bit on the fanciful side, with plot mechanics substituting for psychological nuance.

3.   So typically smooth are the plot mechanics that you never hear the gears shift as Hillerman accelerates the action.

4.   The plot mechanics in which Lewis escapes and is recaptured, and visitors unexpectedly drop in at the kidnap site, are clumsily executed.

5.   The plot mechanics have changed slightly as well.

n. + mechanics >>共 66
auto 21.20%
airline 8.15%
aircraft 7.07%
car 6.52%
garage 4.35%
team 3.80%
continuum 3.26%
plot 2.72%
swing 2.72%
bicycle 2.72%
plot + n. >>共 164
twist 26.26%
device 7.58%
development 6.57%
point 4.21%
turn 3.37%
summary 2.69%
element 2.36%
contrivance 2.19%
hole 2.02%
thread 1.85%
mechanics 0.84%
每页显示:    共 5