1.   A ridiculous series of plot contrivances moves the film along.

2.   The story is filled with plot contrivances that do not fit the ending.

3.   And events that ought to prompt strong emotion begin feeling like plot contrivances too.

4.   But the heavy-handed plot contrivances push the sentiments over the edge into mush.

5.   But the heavy handed plot contrivances push the sentiments over the edge into mush.

6.   It smacks of a convenient plot contrivance.

7.   Overall, however, the production is undercut by other, less skillful performances and dubious plot contrivances.

8.   The plot contrivances, he says, are actually effective theatrical devices that allowed Verdi to portray people in the throes of inner forces they cannot fathom.

9.   There are plot contrivances.

10.   They are re-united by a series of embarrassing plot contrivances, and mom promises to help Kayla get in the recording business.

n. + contrivance >>共 5
plot 76.47%
budget 5.88%
catch-all 5.88%
medium 5.88%
soap-opera 5.88%
plot + n. >>共 164
twist 26.26%
device 7.58%
development 6.57%
point 4.21%
turn 3.37%
summary 2.69%
element 2.36%
contrivance 2.19%
hole 2.02%
thread 1.85%
每页显示:    共 13