1.   To request more information, please call our toll free number.

2.   We have a reservation for you for tomorrow night.

3.   Please call to confirm.

4.   If you have any questions, please call ????

5.   If you need help, PLEASE call.

6.   Luis, can you tell them that if they make an appointment for a massage and cannot make it, they should please call and let us know?

7.   Please call home and punish him.

8.   Please call home.

9.   -----Please call or fax TODAY for a price quote for your newspaper----

10.   Please call . . . .

v. + call >>共 429
return 18.14%
make 10.49%
get 6.41%
receive 6.16%
reject 3.91%
renew 2.76%
take 2.74%
answer 2.61%
repeat 2.03%
heed 1.73%
please 0.10%
please + n. >>共 332
people 4.04%
fan 3.82%
investor 3.38%
audience 3.17%
customer 2.18%
parent 2.07%
official 1.75%
mother 1.53%
call 1.53%
group 1.53%
每页显示:    共 14