1.   A few players laughed.

2.   Grant has shown his new teammates his championship rings so often, Magic players laugh at the reminders.

3.   He had so little pitching experience before the district games began that opposing players laughed at his expense.

4.   His players laughed.

5.   I should point out that both players laughed as they told their versions of the tug of war.

6.   In fact, both players laugh about it.

7.   In every corner, players laughed.

8.   Players laughed and shouted.

9.   Players were laughing and joking.

10.   Players laughed and Wheatley did, too.

n. + laugh >>共 366
people 14.45%
audience 6.42%
man 4.56%
crowd 3.63%
kid 2.54%
player 2.28%
woman 2.20%
friend 2.03%
child 1.69%
student 1.35%
player + v. >>共 863
be 16.60%
have 6.03%
say 2.95%
make 1.77%
get 1.72%
go 1.63%
take 1.58%
do 1.48%
come 1.18%
know 1.17%
laugh 0.09%
每页显示:    共 27