1.   The games start off as a social event, but players soon become competitive.

2.   The Bodicote based player becomes one of only seven women to join the professional circuit.

3.   Maclean and King became entangled on the floor in an incident in which several other players became involved and punches were thrown.

4.   Even if players become available, very few clubs have a fairy godfather to take care of things.

5.   Almost two months have elapsed since these players became free agents, and there are a few who must be wondering, as the saying goes, whazzup?

6.   And after a player becomes a Globetrotter, he is subjected to random drug tests throughout his career.

7.   And some players became delusional.

8.   And right now New York Giants players are becoming bosom buddies with Ronnie Barnes.

9.   And this was before mediocre players were becoming millionaires.

n. + become >>共 1789
people 1.19%
company 1.07%
issue 0.77%
bill 0.69%
game 0.65%
situation 0.62%
woman 0.61%
life 0.60%
country 0.58%
child 0.56%
player 0.48%
player + v. >>共 863
be 16.60%
have 6.03%
say 2.95%
make 1.77%
get 1.72%
go 1.63%
take 1.58%
do 1.48%
come 1.18%
know 1.17%
become 0.62%
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