1.   A lot of work remains to be done before New Yorkers can imagine themselves welcoming the high-hurdlers and platform divers of the world.

2.   DIVING As a platform diver, Nate Smith flies through the air.

3.   Six months ago, the platform diver Laura Wilkinson broke three toes on her right foot while training.

4.   Until this year she had been known mainly as a platform diver.

n. + diver >>共 56
police 38.24%
sky 11.76%
rescue 5.39%
army 2.94%
sport 2.94%
suicide 2.45%
abalone 1.96%
guerrilla 1.96%
platform 1.96%
sea 1.47%
platform + n. >>共 168
shoe 19.08%
committee 11.24%
plank 6.43%
language 3.21%
boot 2.81%
issue 2.41%
chairman 1.81%
fight 1.81%
sandal 1.81%
heel 1.41%
diver 0.80%
每页显示:    共 4