1.   For the sealants to adhere properly, saliva must be kept from contaminating the area until the plastic has hardened.

2.   After the plastic hardened, he decorated the object with gold leaf.

3.   When the plastic hardened, he would cover the object in gold leaf and paint Hieroglyphic letters in black.

4.   When the plastic hardened, he would cover the object in gold leaf and paint hieroglyphics in black.

n. + harden >>共 172
position 4.98%
side 4.65%
line 3.32%
attitude 3.32%
year 2.66%
face 2.33%
eye 1.99%
government 1.66%
opposition 1.33%
chocolate 1.33%
plastic 1.33%
plastic + v. >>共 112
be 20.10%
have 4.02%
cover 2.51%
make 2.51%
get 2.01%
become 2.01%
harden 2.01%
sheet 2.01%
do 1.51%
take 1.51%
每页显示:    共 4