1.   The plant is operating at maximum capacity.

2.   This can occur if plants are operating at less than minimum efficiency scale.

3.   The Cecchini Report finds evidence that many plants in Europe operate at less than MES.

4.   This is determined by the gradient of the average cost curve, and by the degree to which plants are operating at less than MES.

5.   National Power has claimed that divulging information on the fuel that they plan to burn will give their competitors vital information about how their plants operate.

6.   Already, the Kentucky plant is operating at capacity and Toyota is importing more Camrys from Japan to help fill orders.

7.   Automakers are pressuring suppliers to provide complete systems, which enable auto plants to operate more efficiently.

8.   A condition of the sale is that the plant must be operating fully.

9.   Carroll said that both plants would operate next week, and that lost production could be made up through overtime.

10.   By the time warm weather returns, Aalame hopes to have the sewer plant operating.

n. + operate >>共 1111
company 10.13%
group 3.08%
system 1.91%
bank 1.82%
airline 1.73%
business 1.53%
government 1.51%
force 1.37%
rebel 1.35%
doctor 1.28%
plant 1.10%
plant + v. >>共 682
be 25.85%
have 5.26%
produce 4.62%
make 3.31%
grow 2.73%
need 1.58%
use 1.58%
close 1.56%
operate 1.13%
go 1.13%
每页显示:    共 61