1.   As the plants mature, you may want to give them another dose of dilute soluble fertilizer, to supplement what their roots find in the soil.

2.   Feel very frustrated that young plants are maturing.

3.   Soybean plants have matured much slower than normal, leading to fears many of the bean pods will not fill out enough before mid-September.

4.   The Monet variety has creamy bracts with pink spots that deepen as the plant matures.

5.   Amaranthus plants will mature five to seven weeks after planting and the vegetable may be harvested after the seventh week.

6.   As the plant matures, a flower stem will grow.

7.   This can be repeated seven days later as plants mature.

n. + mature >>共 214
bond 7.78%
market 4.35%
industry 3.89%
technology 2.29%
crop 2.06%
plant 1.60%
team 1.60%
loan 1.60%
cell 1.37%
economy 1.37%
plant + v. >>共 682
be 25.85%
have 5.26%
produce 4.62%
make 3.31%
grow 2.73%
need 1.58%
use 1.58%
close 1.56%
operate 1.13%
go 1.13%
mature 0.13%
每页显示:    共 7