1.   The Defence Select Committee recommends that the planned merger of the Glosters with another Regiment should be halted.

2.   Also testifying will be Robert Pitofsky, chairman of the Federal Tarde Commisison, which recently approved the planned merger of the two companies.

3.   Analysts said the shares fell in tandem because they were now effectively joined by the planned merger.

4.   ATLANTA - The Federal Reserve Board has approved the planned merger of First Union and Wachovia, clearing the way for the deal to close early next month.

5.   Banca Popolare di Milano SpA, an Italian regional bank, said it approved a planned merger with its Banca Agricola Milanese SpA and Banca Briantea SpA units.

6.   Banking shares continued a rally that began yesterday after news of the planned merger of Swiss Bank Corp. and Union Bank of Switzerland.

7.   Bertelsmann said the planned merger of its television business with Compagnie Luxembourgeoise de Telediffusion SA, or CLT, should be complete early next year.

8.   Blum also said recent market speculation of a planned merger between SBC and Zurich Insurance, a Swiss insurer, is unfounded.

9.   Boeing, if its planned merger with McDonnell Douglas goes ahead, will for the first time have more than half its work force outside the state of Washington.

10.   A day after CBS ABC joined the Mickey Mouse Club, Westinghouse Electric Corp. and CBS announced their planned merger.

a. + merger >>共 484
proposed 16.60%
possible 7.70%
planned 6.46%
corporate 4.45%
big 3.41%
recent 2.96%
such 2.31%
potential 2.21%
full 1.88%
major 1.75%
planned + n. >>共 1259
visit 5.90%
meeting 3.68%
merger 2.89%
trip 2.82%
attack 2.63%
sale 2.08%
expansion 1.40%
currency 1.15%
protest 1.09%
cut 1.09%
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