1.   He should be comparing planned expenditure last year with planned expenditure this year.

2.   One is to say that substantial expansion is simply not possible, given planned expenditure levels.

3.   This approach tends to preserve previous spending patterns because planned expenditure is based on historical and current practice.

4.   As in the previous budget, defence and debt servicing accounted for a large percentage of planned current expenditure.

5.   National expenditure, then, can be called actual expenditure, while aggregate demand can be called planned expenditure.

6.   This demand for money arises to enable the community to fulfil its planned expenditures during the intervening periods between receipts of wages, salaries or other forms of income.

7.   Gottlieb said she believed the government may raise taxes if it is unable to implement the planned expenditure reduction.

8.   With earnings down and economy sluggish, businesses are cutting back on planned expenditures at a time when the economy needs them to increase their spending.

9.   The agency did not give expenditure and revenue figures nor elaborate on planned military expenditure.

a. + expenditure >>共 249
public 12.50%
military 4.13%
independent 3.91%
state 3.37%
total 2.72%
large 2.17%
federal 2.07%
advertising 2.07%
additional 1.74%
unnecessary 1.63%
planned 1.41%
planned + n. >>共 1259
visit 5.90%
meeting 3.68%
merger 2.89%
trip 2.82%
attack 2.63%
sale 2.08%
expansion 1.40%
currency 1.15%
protest 1.09%
cut 1.09%
expenditure 0.19%
每页显示:    共 13