1.   But, he said, they were not ordered into the air, because the Cuban planes did not violate U.S. airspace.

2.   Cuba claimed the planes violated its airspace, while the United States said the aircraft went down in international waters.

3.   Hours later, Iraqi fighter planes violated the zone in an effort to chase the Iranian planes.

4.   In addition to Iraqi violations, Iranian and Turkish planes have violated the zones in separate attacks in northern and southern Iraq.

5.   It was not immediately clear if the plane violated the ban on flights over certain areas of Bosnia.

6.   Peru also claimed an Ecuadorean air force plane violated Peruvian airspace.

7.   A senior U.S. official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the administration successfully resisted a Chinese demand that the letter say the plane violated Chinese airspace.

8.   A third plane violated Cuban airspace, the U.S. agrees, and returned safely to Florida.

9.   An unidentified plane briefly violated Russian airspace before returning to Chinese territory, the Russian Defense Ministry said Monday.

10.   Athens says Turkish military planes routinely violate its national airspace and fail to file flight plans before entering its FIR.

n. + violate >>共 825
law 4.39%
company 2.77%
action 1.94%
government 1.81%
plane 1.66%
plan 1.27%
deal 1.15%
practice 1.11%
policy 1.11%
program 1.11%
plane + v. >>共 391
be 14.01%
crash 9.42%
fly 6.48%
land 4.37%
take 3.86%
go 2.89%
have 2.75%
carry 2.72%
hit 2.46%
return 2.41%
violate 0.43%
每页显示:    共 52