1.   In the south of Darfur state, meanwhile, SPLA forces continued to oppose government forces, and government planes had reportedly bombed SPLA-held villages.

2.   Although planes were bombing regularly, Russian troops continued artillery attacks only on outlying regions where there was heavy fighting.

3.   An apolitical peasant joins Fidel after a government plane bombs his humble home.

4.   And Croatian forces said on Sunday that Serbian planes had bombed villages in the Croat-held Usora River valley of northern Bosnia, causing dozens of civilian casualties.

5.   A few weeks later, U.S. Navy planes bombed Sirte and destroyed four patrol boats in another dispute over territorial waters.

6.   After midnight Wednesday, Israeli planes reportedly bombed Palestinian Authority targets in Bethlehem, while the Israeli navy shelled them in the Gaza Strip.

7.   But for the past few weeks, allied planes have been bombing Serb tanks and artillery positions that were firing at the rebels along the Albanian border.

8.   But last month, its commanders grounded all civilian air traffic so U.S. jet planes could bomb positions of the Taliban military.

9.   For eight days, Russian planes have been bombing what it says are strongholds held by Islamic militants in Chechnya who have launched armed attacks against Russian territory.

10.   He said that U.S. planes bombed the building once, destroying one side of it.

n. + bomb >>共 171
warplane 24.30%
plane 18.39%
jet 16.01%
aircraft 6.81%
rebel 3.37%
force 3.04%
suicide 1.48%
guerrilla 1.23%
helicopter 1.23%
government 1.07%
plane + v. >>共 391
be 14.01%
crash 9.42%
fly 6.48%
land 4.37%
take 3.86%
go 2.89%
have 2.75%
carry 2.72%
hit 2.46%
return 2.41%
bomb 1.85%
每页显示:    共 223