1.   As the plane began to climb Karen started to feel Ill.

2.   As the plane began to climb, Karen started to feel Ill.

3.   He had two options, he thought, as the plane began the descent to Brussels.

4.   The plane began a headlong plunge towards the Earth.

5.   As they talked, planes began to taxi out and rev up.

6.   The plane began a slow, spiralling decent which developed into a steep side-slip.

7.   And they became more uncomfortable after the plane began to bank sharply shortly after takeoff.

8.   As the plane began its final dive, several ground radar sites showed what could have been pieces coming off.

9.   As the plane began its takeoff roll, a cockpit crew member called out the steadily increasing speed.

10.   As the plane began to descend toward Tianjin, one young woman said that many Chinese made the mistake of deifying their rulers.

n. + begin >>共 1326
company 1.92%
talk 1.47%
season 1.44%
trial 1.32%
government 1.26%
official 1.15%
people 1.01%
police 0.93%
work 0.90%
game 0.72%
plane 0.19%
plane + v. >>共 391
be 14.01%
crash 9.42%
fly 6.48%
land 4.37%
take 3.86%
go 2.89%
have 2.75%
carry 2.72%
hit 2.46%
return 2.41%
begin 0.87%
每页显示:    共 104