1.   Although critics argue that represents a bailout, supporters of the plan say the lines are worth far more than book value.

2.   Business interests say the plan will drive up costs, and vowed to maintain their legal barrage against salmon-recovery requirements.

3.   But even some big investors that own Stanley stock and would, in theory, benefit from the plan say they will vote against it.

4.   But some in this industrial city long overshadowed by Boston say the plan will not work, and a referendum to stop the project is gaining support.

5.   Hilton executives say the plan is not aimed against travel agents and that they will continue to use agents.

6.   US press reports say the plan amounts to dividing Bosnia up between Croatia and Serbia.

n. + say >>共 658
official 8.24%
expert 7.67%
analyst 6.71%
critic 3.76%
doctor 3.03%
police 2.61%
authority 1.61%
economist 1.50%
people 1.46%
observer 1.27%
plan 0.23%
plan + n. >>共 417
call 12.97%
administrator 4.05%
member 2.59%
participant 2.39%
work 1.97%
meeting 1.45%
works 1.35%
ready 1.24%
sponsor 1.14%
policy 1.04%
say 0.62%
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