1.   If employees start to ask for indexing choices, companies and plan providers will eventually step up to fill the demand.

2.   Increasingly, large employers have been negotiating rebates or revenue-sharing agreements with money managers and plan providers, industry executives said.

3.   One Texas maritime firm locked up employee money for seven months while it picked a new plan provider.

4.   Some firms hold cash for months while they switch plan providers or try to time the stock market for their employees.

5.   Some companies and plan providers are seeking ways to lessen these risks.

6.   The doctors group says that some employers have used its Knox-Keene Expenditures Summary to negotiate lower administrative fees from plan providers.

n. + provider >>共 305
service 45.25%
access 5.44%
health-care 3.63%
care 2.67%
information 2.59%
abortion 2.56%
health 2.45%
internet 2.40%
cable 2.08%
telecommunication 2.03%
plan 0.16%
plan + n. >>共 417
call 12.97%
administrator 4.05%
member 2.59%
participant 2.39%
work 1.97%
meeting 1.45%
works 1.35%
ready 1.24%
sponsor 1.14%
policy 1.04%
provider 0.62%
每页显示:    共 6