1.   Child welfare advocates say his plan would amount to a cutback.

2.   His plan amounted to a government takeover of the health-care system.

3.   If put into effect the plan would amount to a substantial tightening of the existing Israeli policy.

4.   The Democratic plan amounts to hoping for a return of the budget surplus.

5.   The Forbes plan would amount to the biggest leap into the fiscal unknown ever undertaken by an industrialized country.

6.   The president then countered critics who claim that his plan would amount to socialized medicine, saying he is advocating a system of private insurance and private doctors.

7.   Perry stressed that the U.S. plan did not amount to a declaration of war.

8.   But critics, including U.N. human rights monitors, say the plan amounts to creating new paramilitary groups that could spiral out of control.

9.   But amid concerns the plan amounted to an illegal cash payment for organs, Health Secretary Robert Zimmerman said he was modifying the program to cover only incidental costs.

10.   Mae Wheatly, chairman of the Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, said the plan would amount to blatant cruelty to animals.

n. + amount >>共 512
action 2.31%
move 2.11%
statement 1.63%
change 1.63%
plan 1.44%
loss 1.34%
agreement 1.25%
decision 1.06%
law 1.06%
deal 1.06%
plan + v. >>共 646
be 33.90%
call 5.74%
include 3.82%
have 2.93%
go 1.74%
work 1.36%
require 1.33%
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provide 1.02%
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amount 0.09%
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