1.   Also worth trying are chilled moisturizer, plain yogurt and cucumber slices placed strategically around the burn site.

2.   An alternative lunch is a fruit salad mixed with cottage cheese, a tablespoon of plain yogurt, and some slivered almonds.

3.   A baked apple with nonfat plain yogurt makes a delicious, low-calorie and nourishing breakfast, lunch or snack.

4.   A quick, easy sauce is made by combining equal parts Dijon mustard, honey and plain yogurt.

5.   A tablespoon of lemon juice mixed with a cup of plain yogurt makes a soothing sunburn cream.

6.   But I decided to be good, and went for a bowl of delicious granola, some plain yogurt and a plate of melon and other fruits.

7.   Carole C. asks by e-mail for pumpkin bread made with plain yogurt and black walnuts.

8.   Drain plain yogurt through double thicknesses of cheesecloth overnight in the refrigerator.

9.   Eat low-fat plain yogurt or add fruit.

10.   For the record, it was delicious with plain yogurt.

a. + yogurt >>共 87
frozen 29.41%
plain 11.03%
nonfat 9.56%
vanilla 5.15%
drained 2.21%
fat-free 1.84%
flavored 1.84%
non-fat 1.47%
little 1.10%
live 1.10%
plain + n. >>共 803
clothes 6.76%
view 4.44%
sight 3.18%
water 2.98%
language 2.77%
paper 2.42%
fact 1.56%
yogurt 1.51%
luck 1.41%
folk 1.26%
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