1.   President Vaclav Havel has already said he will choose the leader best placed to form a functioning coalition government.

2.   Under Israeli law, the president must begin consultations as soon as possible to appoint the deputy best placed to form a new government.

3.   It is best placed to form a ruling coalition with socialists, agrarians and independent deputies.

4.   The exit poll findings sparked a bout of speculation as to whether the Congress or the BJP would be better placed to form a government in a hung parliament.

v. + form >>共 191
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return 7.91%
merge 6.90%
use 3.65%
join 3.25%
accord 3.04%
work 2.64%
discuss 2.43%
add 2.03%
condense 1.83%
place 0.81%
place + v. >>共 207
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win 3.26%
be 2.45%
make 2.45%
help 1.63%
find 1.63%
do 1.63%
go 1.36%
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