1.   I looked up in time to see him place his cap on his head and look round the kitchen, patting his pockets as he did so.

2.   Among the changes, it reduced the way discretionary income is figured in the formula and placed a cap on the home equity that can be assessed as wealth.

3.   And for the first time, a spending cap is placed on annual subsidies for wheat, rice, cotton, corn, and other feed grains.

4.   And several people criticized the government for backing away from a proposal to place a cap on the number of flights over the park.

5.   And the Balanced Budget Act has placed strict caps on total discretionary spending, requiring that any increases be offset by reductions elsewhere.

6.   Another Senate candidate, Sid McDonald, a Republican businessman, led a group fighting to place caps on punitive damages.

7.   Bowen, like many other state officials, said that the near-term solution required is for the federal government to place caps on wholesale prices.

8.   A cap was placed on the total amount a donor could donate to all candidates in any one year.

9.   A survey of parents who own guns found that they were far more likely to place caps over electrical outlets than to lock up their firearms.

10.   Breedlove said he was particularly pleased that the Legislature had not placed caps on awards in wrongful-death cases, or on claims of mental anguish.

v. + cap >>共 336
wear 7.99%
tip 5.84%
put 5.64%
impose 4.50%
remove 3.36%
have 3.09%
place 2.75%
lift 2.48%
raise 2.42%
doff 2.28%
place + n. >>共 1240
order 3.61%
emphasis 3.23%
bet 2.07%
bomb 1.74%
call 1.63%
restriction 1.61%
child 1.50%
ad 1.45%
blame 1.39%
limit 1.29%
cap 0.30%
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