1.   Massachusetts speaker companies are well placed to benefit if the market for high-end computer audio takes off.

2.   While theme parks are well placed to benefit from the expansion of leisure time and increased disposable income, they face strong competition from other leisure activities.

3.   TI Group said that it was well placed to benefit from an improvement in the market and that orders for landing gear placed with Dowty were rising.

4.   Trading in the first few months of this year did not point to a recovery but the group was well placed to benefit when recovery occurred.

v. + benefit >>共 64
position 11.71%
use 9.01%
sell 5.41%
figure 4.50%
poise 4.50%
place 3.60%
auction 2.70%
organize 2.70%
craft 1.80%
do 1.80%
place + v. >>共 207
take 5.16%
win 3.26%
be 2.45%
make 2.45%
help 1.63%
find 1.63%
do 1.63%
go 1.36%
comment 1.36%
raise 1.36%
benefit 1.09%
每页显示:    共 4