1.   After twenty miles, the three slick-ship companies separated, to land at different places around the target.

2.   And we know that the climate is changing in a myriad of different ways and different places all around the world.

3.   As she walked along the path toward Talfinger Hall her friends fell into place around her.

4.   I remember many passionate arguments taking place around this table.

5.   Stella and he had found them stuffed into old cigar boxes and plastic shopping bags scattered in different places around the house.

6.   The unoccupied places around them must have given television viewers a picture of hosts abandoned by their guests of honour.

7.   Why does the idea of progress loom so large in the modern world?

8.   Surely progress of a particular kind is actually taking place around us and is becoming more and more manifest.

9.   And you can the new v village can bring forward with it a park and ride initiative that will complement other such initiatives taking place around York.

n. + around >>共 1464
area 3.39%
way 2.18%
people 2.17%
arm 1.57%
security 1.30%
time 0.86%
thing 0.80%
position 0.66%
city 0.62%
street 0.61%
place 0.52%
place + p. >>共 93
in 37.04%
for 11.31%
on 8.38%
at 6.75%
like 4.73%
with 4.51%
to 3.11%
by 2.20%
as 2.15%
after 1.42%
around 0.62%
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