1.   However, you must make the pitch change before indenting the paragraph, or it will not be indented properly.

2.   This correction will be achieved with a pitch attitude change of half a bar on the Artificial Horizon.

3.   Elephants are known to distinguish fine pitch changes, smaller than half-steps on the piano.

4.   The home side has fired the initial shots in the Test, ordering a pitch change that has already annoyed the Australians.

n. + change >>共 1062
climate 8.09%
rule 6.48%
policy 6.11%
name 4.09%
management 3.45%
personnel 2.30%
tax 1.93%
lineup 1.68%
price 1.58%
rate 1.54%
pitch 0.05%
pitch + n. >>共 140
count 22.97%
invasion 6.26%
selection 5.80%
darkness 3.94%
limit 3.02%
meeting 2.32%
man 2.32%
dark 2.32%
shot 1.86%
range 1.86%
change 0.93%
每页显示:    共 4