1.   At home, the remains were put on a cot and covered with a pink blanket.

2.   Recently, a son was born to a woman named Sherbano as she lay on a pink blanket beneath the plastic roof of her tent.

3.   Students with pink blankets said they were never depressed.

4.   A pink blanket covered her paralyzed legs.

5.   From the wreckage, Yoo was carried on a stretcher with her body wrapped in a pink blanket and her face covered with a yellow towel.

6.   He spends most of his time under a pink blanket on a recliner beneath the haze of a fading bulb in the living room.

7.   Nordby said she wrapped Erika in a pink blanket and rocked her until an ambulance arrived.

8.   With her body wrapped in a pink blanket and her face covered with a yellow towel, Yoo was carried on a stretcher to an ambulance.

a. + blanket >>共 259
thick 4.96%
gray 3.46%
white 3.31%
heavy 3.16%
blue 3.16%
thermal 2.56%
old 2.41%
thin 2.11%
warm 1.95%
indian 1.95%
pink 1.20%
pink + n. >>共 776
rose 3.35%
flower 3.30%
jersey 3.05%
dress 2.31%
flamingo 2.17%
shirt 1.87%
suit 1.48%
ribbon 1.33%
color 0.84%
sheet 0.84%
blanket 0.39%
每页显示:    共 8