1.   New private pilots must fly for at least fifty hours before getting their licences.

2.   One pilot flew Dade County commissioners over the crash site, another pilot said.

3.   In a major departure from tradition the bill also permitted women pilots to fly combat missions, subject to the agreement of the air force and the navy.

4.   So far the Lyneham pilots have flown nearly six hundred thousand tonnes of food into Sarajevo.

5.   Also, pilots fly low-level missions so seldom that they cannot maintain proficiency.

6.   AMR says that if American pilots flew the jets for American Eagle, their higher salaries would make the routes uncompetitive.

7.   And the time that pilots fly without rest has increased as delays have worsened.

8.   Any restriction requiring pilots to fly higher would mean the approach to the airport would have to be changed.

9.   Approached over a spindly forest of highrise apartments, it is a tricky place to fly into, so pilots must fly their planes manually.

10.   At the time of the accident, Italian officials said that despite warnings, U.S. pilots had repeatedly flown recklessly low in training missions.

n. + fly >>共 1315
plane 10.81%
helicopter 8.85%
flag 5.78%
jet 3.09%
pilot 2.61%
aircraft 2.36%
airline 2.01%
team 1.75%
ball 1.42%
bird 1.38%
pilot + v. >>共 721
be 12.52%
say 5.23%
have 4.08%
fly 3.37%
report 3.35%
eject 1.89%
try 1.68%
see 1.36%
take 1.30%
make 1.21%
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