1.   The second floor is the principal one, comprising the great hall and the dividing wall here is pierced by arches and piers to make one large room.

2.   A bullet also pierced the wall at the rear of the store, ripped through the freezer and gouged two ice cream cakes.

3.   Ted Eck came the closest to piercing the wall erected by Dallas goalkeeper Mark Dodd.

4.   The wall is pierced at the top by a wedge-shaped sign, illuminated with the Reuters name.

5.   To pierce the wall of silence in many police departments, prosecutors need testimony from cooperating defendants.

6.   Witnesses in the mall said something, possibly a piece of heavy equipment, pierced the wall just before it fell.

7.   A state appeals court has pierced the wall of immunity that protects police officers from being sued by people who are injured as a result of high-speed chases.

8.   Arij Jabili was shot in the heart Friday when bullets pierced the walls of her home near the Jewish settlement of Beit Hagai in the West Bank.

9.   Bullet holes pierced a wall in the small room.

10.   Bullets pierced a wall in the small room.

v. + wall >>共 568
hit 10.54%
cover 6.85%
line 5.59%
build 4.57%
adorn 3.87%
decorate 2.93%
paint 2.69%
scale 2.40%
have 2.14%
climb 1.73%
pierce 0.41%
pierce + n. >>共 243
heart 5.91%
ear 4.73%
air 4.39%
armor 2.87%
skin 2.70%
eye 2.36%
wall 2.36%
lung 2.03%
tongue 2.03%
body 1.52%
每页显示:    共 14