1.   ---A couple is hunkered down in their bomb shelter with a stock of pickled eggs, kilos of toilet paper, potted meat, and breath spray.

2.   A Granbury, Texas, reader would like a recipe for both the pickled wieners and pickled eggs that used to be standard in Texas roadhouses.

3.   Kitty Gentry, Fort Worth, Texas, thought a pickled egg recipe might make a good companion to the hot dogs.

4.   No roasted chicken, no rack of ribs, not even a sausage sat before me, only cheese and crackers and the white of a pickled egg.

5.   Tommy Francks, Fort Worth, sampled smoked pickled eggs while hunting.

6.   Try serving pickled cabbage with a roast pork loin, ginger strips with broiled fish, or pickled eggs with beer.

a. + egg >>共 508
beaten 6.54%
fertilized 6.54%
raw 3.87%
hard-boiled 2.99%
fried 2.76%
human 2.67%
together 2.63%
golden 2.49%
rotten 1.98%
whole 1.93%
pickled 0.28%
pickled + n. >>共 73
ginger 8.90%
herring 6.81%
cabbage 6.28%
onion 6.28%
vegetable 5.76%
cucumber 3.66%
okra 3.66%
garlic 3.14%
egg 3.14%
pepper 3.14%
每页显示:    共 6