1.   But again they picked a team of boys, as they did in the last two World Cups.

2.   Impromptu teams are picked on the spot, with a knowledgeable captain to ensure a balance.

3.   Volleyball officials say that the team is picked purely on merit.

4.   When they picked teams for outdoor games she and I were always the last two left standing by the wire-mesh fence.

5.   Macari WILL be at Ibrox on Saturday but Connor will pick the team.

6.   And I hereby volunteer to pick the teams.

7.   At least she picked a team that has actually won a few world championships.

8.   After the team trials, Karolyi and the two coaches of record picked a team that few could quibble over.

9.   Children picked teams, made the rules and settled arguments themselves.

10.   Children pick teams from a list of superstars.

v. + team >>共 885
lead 5.61%
join 3.46%
have 3.12%
make 2.83%
leave 2.10%
send 2.03%
coach 1.64%
help 1.56%
take 1.50%
keep 1.39%
pick 0.49%
pick + n. >>共 1007
fight 3.94%
way 3.81%
winner 3.71%
spot 3.30%
stock 2.74%
team 2.33%
player 1.48%
one 1.43%
pocket 1.36%
candidate 1.33%
每页显示:    共 90