1.   So what happened when the daughter of Applejack and the son of the physics professor met?

2.   Then I saw that Phagu was not a physics professor at all but a painting I had seen somewhere.

3.   Three days after the wedding, Gardner, the physics professor, joined the merchant Marines and was never seen again.

4.   As an adulterous physics professor who insists upon rational explanations for all occurrences, John Turturro fails to bridge his academic arrogance and guilt-ridden passions.

5.   Beside them are a physics professor, Vincent Ntezimana, and a businessman, Alphonse Higaniro.

6.   A downtown street is named after J. Robert Oppenheimer, the University of California physics professor who led the secret effort to develop the first atomic weapons.

7.   A physics professor explores the nature of light and the complex human responses to it, as well as various theories of the phenomenon through the ages.

8.   A physics professor lost the use of a hand.

9.   Burton Richter, a member of the task force and a Nobel Prize-winning Stanford physics professor, blasted critics who called the report superficial.

10.   Brian Schwartz, a Brooklyn College physics professor, believes that building more lanes will bring bigger traffic jams.

n. + professor >>共 202
law 22.02%
university 11.52%
college 8.21%
history 6.59%
economics 6.01%
business 2.70%
psychology 2.61%
sociology 2.39%
philosophy 2.04%
biology 1.69%
physics 1.46%
physics + n. >>共 81
professor 14.94%
prize 8.12%
department 7.79%
class 7.47%
teacher 6.82%
student 3.57%
experiment 2.92%
laboratory 2.60%
lab 2.60%
research 2.27%
每页显示:    共 46