1.   Just think, you could equip a whole new physics laboratory.

2.   Anti-protons are routinely made in physics laboratories, as are anti-electrons, which are also called positrons.

3.   Bill Richardson, who as secretary of energy is in charge of Livermore and other national physics laboratories hailed the work.

4.   Last April, the other group, called the CDF Collaboration, electrified physics laboratories around the world with its announcement that it had probably found the top quark.

5.   Not until later, well into graduate school, did he start fiddling with equipment in physics laboratories at night.

6.   Scientists said it would be a good site for an underground physics laboratory.

7.   Physics laboratories in former East Germany may be the source of weapons-grade plutonium seized by German police last spring, the American magazine Nuclear Fuel has reported.

8.   An engineer suffered serious radiation exposure Tuesday during an apparently mishandled experiment at a national physics research laboratory in central Russia, news agencies reported.

n. + laboratory >>共 211
research 16.39%
government 5.74%
weapon 5.26%
science 4.90%
police 4.43%
crime 3.95%
drug 3.71%
computer 3.23%
university 2.51%
methamphetamine 1.91%
physics 0.96%
physics + n. >>共 81
professor 14.94%
prize 8.12%
department 7.79%
class 7.47%
teacher 6.82%
student 3.57%
experiment 2.92%
laboratory 2.60%
lab 2.60%
research 2.27%
每页显示:    共 8