1.   The inherent slowness can be disguised by locating various data that are likely to be retrieved or correlated, in close physical proximity on the disc.

2.   Advocates of segregation argue that adolescents are too distracted by the opposite sex to concentrate on their lessons and would perform better without the physical proximity.

3.   But in each case, the physical proximity, the ability to cross-pollinate, the availability of a large pool of talent and capital have been crucial.

4.   But the research suggests that maintaining social ties with people in close physical proximity could be more psychologically healthy.

5.   But the camera allows viewers a physical proximity and intimacy with actors that is impossible to achieve on the stage.

6.   But, they add, the growing part of the economy based on ideas and information does not always need such physical proximity.

7.   Clearly if you increase density, you bring people into closer physical proximity.

8.   Even for nuclear families, land and physical proximity seem to be critical for maintaining a sense of belonging and unity.

9.   Historically, cities grew as centers of transactions and commerce largely because of the need for physical proximity among firms, suppliers and customers.

10.   It turns out that the Internet has not shattered the appeal of physical proximity.

a. + proximity >>共 48
close 59.80%
physical 6.64%
geographical 5.65%
geographic 4.65%
closer 2.99%
relative 2.33%
uneasy 1.99%
mere 1.33%
strategic 1.00%
daily 0.66%
physical + n. >>共 1139
evidence 4.39%
activity 3.47%
condition 3.38%
abuse 2.24%
contact 2.00%
problem 1.84%
presence 1.80%
fitness 1.72%
exam 1.59%
play 1.46%
proximity 0.21%
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