1.   Apart from the physical aspects, if premises are held on a lease there are legal implications, too.

2.   The physical aspects of the person seemed to be most important feature of the other person at initial meetings.

3.   This will need to be considered more specifically having regard to the physical aspects of the premises, common parts and the centre.

4.   And he just sees the physical aspect of it.

5.   Because of Miss Hightower, Maillot came to love his schooling, and not just for the physical aspects of dance.

6.   Besides the pure physical aspects of the game itself, Valentine has had a few other troubling developments to deal with.

7.   He can relate to the physical aspect of the player.

8.   Hopefully, he can take the physical aspect of the game.

9.   I think it is because of the physical aspects of the game.

a. + aspect >>共 970
important 5.04%
different 4.24%
positive 3.41%
technical 3.36%
civilian 2.73%
military 2.13%
key 1.79%
financial 1.68%
interesting 1.57%
political 1.45%
physical 0.80%
physical + n. >>共 1139
evidence 4.39%
activity 3.47%
condition 3.38%
abuse 2.24%
contact 2.00%
problem 1.84%
presence 1.80%
fitness 1.72%
exam 1.59%
play 1.46%
aspect 0.30%
每页显示:    共 28