1.   Has there ever been a time when that phrase sounded more bittersweet?

2.   If that phrase sounds familiar, it is.

3.   The phrase did sound like bureaucratic docspeak, a few extra syllables thrown in to blunt the edge of the grim sudden death.

4.   To modern listeners accustomed to Western tonal harmony, phrases sound exotic and unfinished.

n. + sound >>共 1184
siren 4.82%
buzzer 3.45%
voice 3.34%
alarm 3.34%
bell 1.97%
word 1.83%
music 1.83%
official 1.46%
name 1.43%
horn 1.31%
phrase 0.11%
phrase + v. >>共 153
be 28.36%
mean 4.62%
come 4.41%
have 4.20%
become 2.73%
seem 2.52%
appear 2.10%
refer 1.89%
stick 1.68%
make 1.68%
sound 0.84%
每页显示:    共 4