1.   A photographer tried to capture her in the fading sunlight.

2.   At practice Wednesday, a photographer tried to get a shot for this story.

3.   He went to pray at a London mosque and a near-riot broke out at the door when photographers tried to storm the sanctuary.

4.   He said photographers had tried to sell pictures of the wreckage of the car around the world.

5.   If a photographer tries to record a scene through a window, say, some cameras will focus on the glass.

6.   It is as if the photographer is trying to mimic the objectivity of science.

7.   Photographers also tried airplanes and helicopters, but were too far way to get the detailed information they needed.

8.   Photographers were trying to reproduce reality with their cameras.

9.   When a photographer tried to encroach, LaRussa shooed him away.

10.   When the photographer later tried to make a call on his cell phone, a Rams official threatened to take away the phone.

n. + try >>共 892
government 5.31%
official 4.29%
company 4.14%
police 3.26%
people 1.95%
authority 1.87%
group 1.56%
investigator 1.56%
team 1.53%
leader 1.35%
photographer 0.05%
photographer + v. >>共 376
be 9.73%
say 7.37%
have 4.79%
take 4.79%
see 4.10%
snap 4.03%
capture 1.82%
use 1.29%
pursue 1.29%
report 1.29%
try 0.99%
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