1.   A family photo accompanies many of the cards I receive.

2.   All of the articles will be accompanied by photos for photo clients and be available for separate purchase by other clients.

3.   Cox photos will accompany this story.

4.   Cox photos will accompany the list.

5.   Each photo accompanies a feature article which would still be timely this week.

6.   Photos will accompany both stories.

7.   -The following COLOR photos accompany the package of stories titled HAIDA-FOREST from the Seattle Post-Intelligencer as reported by Paul Shukovsky and photographer Paul Joseph Brown.

8.   The following photos accompany the three-day series by The Hearst Newspapers on the Federal Reserve.

9.   The text commentary will be accompanied by photos of key plays, which will be updated during the game.

10.   The tales often are accompanied by photos, so I easily can picture the farm in my mind.

n. + accompany >>共 736
shower 4.16%
official 3.30%
police 2.02%
diplomat 1.55%
representative 1.55%
journalist 1.23%
rain 1.12%
bodyguard 1.07%
reporter 1.07%
agent 1.07%
photo 0.91%
photo + v. >>共 237
be 33.76%
show 19.76%
move 3.14%
appear 2.47%
have 1.35%
make 1.35%
accompany 1.27%
depict 1.12%
indicate 1.12%
come 1.05%
每页显示:    共 17