1.   Beyond this philosophical divide lie pragmatic political concerns.

2.   Even the ever-cautious Christopher told reporters that he and Arafat had closed the philosophical divide that has characterized their earlier meetings.

3.   He referred specifically to the philosophical divide over how to reform the Medicare and Medicaid programs to control their growth.

4.   Moreover, the two sides are going into budget negotiations with a deep philosophical divide over what types of tax cuts to enact.

5.   Negotiators from the two chambers must reconcile differences that involve not only money but also wide philosophical divides.

6.   Now that the debate is joined, it is revealing a deep philosophical divide.

7.   Now the pilots union wants to end that arrangement, and the philosophical divide is one of the issues that has stalemated contract talks.

8.   The arguments Monday might have been a classic expression of the philosophical divide between the two political parties over the proper role of the courts.

9.   The debate also produced some sharp exchanges across the philosophical divide.

10.   The most telling example occurred last July, as described by judges on both sides of the philosophical divide, former judges and law clerks.

a. + divide >>共 176
racial 11.64%
digital 8.76%
political 6.90%
cultural 6.47%
ethnic 4.89%
ideological 4.02%
sectarian 3.16%
deep 2.87%
partisan 2.73%
growing 2.30%
philosophical 1.44%
philosophical + n. >>共 375
difference 10.60%
question 4.30%
discussion 2.60%
approach 2.30%
issue 2.20%
debate 2.00%
problem 1.80%
view 1.40%
shift 1.40%
disagreement 1.30%
divide 1.00%
每页显示:    共 10