1.   Multiparameter flow cytometric analysis of labelled nuclei allows the S phase duration of mucosal cells to be estimated.

2.   In particular, for the purposes of this study, it can measure the S phase duration of crypt cells in gastric mucosa.

3.   The method of preparation and of the analysis used to calculate the S phase duration, Ts, was identical to that reported elsewhere.

4.   The flow cytometrically derived S phase duration was similar in gastric body and antral cells.

n. + duration >>共 31
disease 11.86%
five-year 10.17%
project 8.47%
squeeze 8.47%
phase 6.78%
treatment 5.08%
word 5.08%
portfolio 3.39%
three-year 3.39%
benchmark 1.69%
phase + n. >>共 64
diagram 9.36%
shift 8.77%
change 7.60%
separation 5.26%
trial 5.26%
equilibrium 4.09%
space 3.51%
transition 3.51%
play 2.92%
group 2.34%
duration 2.34%
每页显示:    共 4