1.   Drizzle over the petits fours from a fork or a small piping bag.

2.   The playwright pounces upon the gags like a poodle going after the petits fours.

3.   But things get a lot stickier when you go from the petits fours to the metaphors.

4.   Coffee was served in front of a cozy fire next door in the drawing room, where Robert fed bits of his petits fours to one of the dogs.

5.   Now, instead of being feted on the convention floor, she was being saluted with petits fours.

6.   The flat rectangles of beef are displayed neatly on trays like dainty petits fours.

7.   The French Culinary Institute in New York, for instance, includes dessert composition, petits fours and tasting plates in its curriculum.

8.   Then, of course, there are the petits fours.

9.   You enter to find yourself in a fabulous French pastry shop filled with glittering petits fours and fruit tarts and elegantly ruffled cakes.

10.   During breaks in the proceedings, delegates and journalists rubbed shoulders among mountains of petits fours, fruit and cakes.

n. + four >>共 28
year 38.01%
hour 8.19%
season 6.43%
day 5.85%
month 5.85%
petits 5.85%
minute 4.68%
par 4.68%
inning 2.92%
time 2.92%
petits + n. >>共 5
four 71.43%
assortment 7.14%
battements 7.14%
lardons 7.14%
prince 7.14%
每页显示:    共 10