1.   Besides requiring petition circulators to be registered voters, the law says they must wear badges identifying themselves as paid or volunteer workers.

2.   -- Several states have passed legislation requiring all petition circulators to be residents of the state and, in some cases, to be registered voters themselves.

3.   Chief Justice Rehnquist took particular aim at the ruling that petition circulators could not be required to be registered voters.

4.   Controversial questions have been forced onto ballots, often with help from out-of-state businesses that recruit and pay petition circulators.

5.   If a petition circulator were allowed to be a resident of another state, she explained, Colorado officials could not enforce the subpoena.

6.   Increasingly, national interest groups are intervening in these initiative fights, often by using paid petition circulators to push the same proposal in a dozen or more states.

7.   It also says initiative backers must file reports with the state identifying all paid petition circulators and the amounts they were paid.

8.   She also said that the state had found evidence of fraud in the term-limit petitions and that criminal charges could be filed against a petition circulator.

9.   The court also rejected a Colorado law requiring that petition circulators wear identification badges specifying whether they are paid or volunteer workers.

10.   The Washington Supreme Court, for instance, upheld the practice of making grocery stores off limits to petition circulators.

petition + n. >>共 62
drive 52.61%
signature 7.11%
campaign 6.16%
process 3.79%
circulator 2.61%
letter 2.13%
signer 2.13%
challenge 1.90%
hearing 1.66%
requirement 1.66%
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