1.   But Michael Williams, the departing chief civilian spokesman, said journalists had been barred because the Serbs insisted that only U.N. personnel travel on the flights.

2.   Murphy, a senior spokesman, was deemed unacceptable because the Serbs now insist that only military personnel travel on the flights.

3.   Paris is also a major arms supplier to Qatar, whose military personnel routinely travel to France for training.

4.   A U.S. official said U.S. Embassy personnel had traveled to the crash scene late Friday.

5.   It also is a major arms supplier to Qatar, whose military personnel routinely travel to France for training.

6.   It is a major arms supplier to Qatar, whose military personnel routinely travel to France for training.

7.   The airline personnel were traveling into the city from Lusaka International Airport Saturday night.

8.   Support for the outlawed Irish Republican Army runs high in South Armagh, where British military personnel travel only in helicopters because of the threat of roadside ambushes.

9.   U.S. embassy personnel were traveling to the crash scene late Friday, Ziff said.

10.   U.S. personnel will travel to Hainan and the two sides will remain in contact to deal with any last-minute hitches, Sun said.

n. + travel >>共 1050
team 3.31%
official 2.94%
bus 2.76%
people 2.73%
train 2.41%
delegation 2.20%
man 1.84%
president 1.81%
group 1.58%
leader 1.49%
personnel 0.30%
personnel + v. >>共 419
be 18.08%
have 3.39%
say 2.81%
take 1.96%
fire 1.70%
arrive 1.70%
work 1.24%
remain 1.17%
continue 1.11%
leave 1.11%
travel 0.85%
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