1.   Or does the legendary Liverpudlian personality shine through their style?

2.   Everyone wants their personalities to shine through their remodel, but what is gorgeous to you in your kitchen may kill a sale for a potential home buyer.

3.   Her plain-spoken personality shines through.

4.   She is a personality, and we are going to let her personality shine.

5.   The best-remembered Oscar speeches, for example, are those when the true personality of the speaker shines.

6.   It was a perfect chance for his magnetic personality to shine.

n. + shine >>共 304
sun 33.03%
light 7.60%
star 4.86%
spotlight 3.85%
eye 3.44%
moon 2.33%
chance 1.42%
sunlight 0.71%
shoe 0.71%
personality 0.61%
personality + v. >>共 209
be 31.88%
make 3.38%
come 2.74%
change 2.58%
have 2.42%
seem 2.09%
become 1.77%
play 1.77%
get 1.13%
clash 1.13%
shine 0.97%
每页显示:    共 6