1.   Along these popular vacation routes, the rural hosts of convenience stores, gift shops and corner cafes accept condescension along with personal checks and credit cards.

2.   Also, travelers will not find many businesses abroad ready to accept euro-denominated personal checks, since there is no EU-wide register of bad risks.

3.   American Express, Visa or personal check.

4.   And admittedly, having clerks greet customers by name after reading a computer printout or personal check may cross the line of privacy and seem creepy to some.

5.   As a result of that incredulous notion, I found it easier to travel with less funds, less credit cards, no personal checks and no travelers checks.

6.   At the reception, guests filled three potato sacks with personal checks.

7.   Accepts MasterCard and Visa and personal checks.

8.   After both his senior wins, he wrote a personal check to cover the costs of the volunteer party at each event.

9.   After college, a friend who had invented a verification system for personal checks asked me to work with him.

10.   All take money orders, and some will even accept personal checks.

a. + check >>共 576
routine 5.90%
medical 5.07%
bad 4.16%
random 2.69%
monthly 2.38%
canceled 2.20%
personal 2.12%
regular 2.08%
first 1.93%
quick 1.82%
personal + n. >>共 953
life 3.64%
information 2.53%
reason 1.99%
finance 1.63%
relationship 1.55%
experience 1.49%
injury 1.32%
problem 1.28%
attack 1.27%
trainer 1.18%
check 0.22%
每页显示:    共 56