1.   Well cos what person could then be lying around waiting to mark the answers?

2.   A person cannot.

3.   A second recommendation, limiting to two the number of permits any one person can own, makes for fairness.

4.   Crone said there no laws that restrict the amount of ammunition a person can own.

5.   He can put words together in ways that no other living person can.

6.   However, he said, he wanted to clear up any misunderstanding about what a religiously observant person could or could not do in an executive office.

7.   In a Web chat room, a short, lumpy unemployed person can become tall, svelte and gainfully employed.

8.   In fact, watching the Coyotes have their way with the Sharks I could see how even an otherwise rational person could get hooked.

9.   Limiting the amount of stock a person can hold as part of an ESOP sounds like a good idea - but sets a bad precedent.

10.   No one person could.

n. + can >>共 1462
people 2.11%
company 1.70%
man 1.22%
government 1.04%
woman 0.86%
team 0.80%
official 0.71%
parent 0.66%
word 0.63%
child 0.63%
person 0.45%
person + v. >>共 851
be 20.73%
have 6.66%
die 6.45%
say 3.72%
do 1.76%
get 1.44%
want 1.19%
take 1.17%
miss 1.16%
go 1.05%
can 0.23%
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